How To

Mastering the Art of App Offloading on iOS

As our digital lives continue to expand, so does the number of apps we accumulate on our devices. While some of these apps serve a daily purpose, others remain untouched, taking up valuable storage space. Apple’s ingenious solution to this dilemma is App Offloading. This …


Setting Up Parental Controls on Your Child’s Smartphone: A Comprehensive Guide

As the digital world expands, children are being introduced to smartphones at a younger age. As a responsible parent, it’s crucial to ensure your child’s online safety. This article provides a comprehensive guide on setting up parental controls on your child’s Android or iOS devices …


A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Your Child’s Screen Time on iOS

In the digital age, it has become increasingly challenging for parents to manage their children’s screen time effectively. The omnipresence of smartphones and tablets exposes kids to an endless array of apps, games, and online content. As a responsible parent, you want to ensure that …


Easily Change Refresh Rate on Samsung Phone (60Hz, 90Hz & 120Hz)

Let me guide you through the steps of how to Easily change refresh rate on Samsung phones. It means you can change the refresh rate from 60Hz to 90Hz and up to 120Hz. Since 2019 companies like Samsung, Google, OnePlus, Asus, Xiaomi and others began …


5 Simple ways to secure your PC in 2022

The advent of mobile devices may have reduced the number of people who use PCs. However, there are still many people who use PCs at home and in business settings. The cyber threats facing PCs a decade ago and today have not changed, but they …


Download Windows 11 ISO Image Legally For Free

In this post, you will how to download Windows 11 ISO Image legally from Microsoft Website for free. Doesn’t matter if it is the Windows 11 insider preview or the Windows 11 final version. These can help you download Windows 11, so let’s get started. …


How to Install Xampp on Linux Mint Latest Version?

XAMPP is developed to allow developers and programmers to test their work on their PCs without having to access the Internet. Even with minimal information about installing software such as MySQL, PHP, Apache Easily install, configure, and integrate them automatically without any hassle. In fact, …


How to find Clipboard on Samsung Phone (Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra) easy & quick 3 methods guide

Today is a great post for Android users because here we are going to provide you with three ways how to find Clipboard on Samsung Phone (Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra) Samsung phones, features, and operating systems are some of the favorite updates for users. It …


[2022]- How to Convert PDF to word and Vice versa?

PDF is a standard format and is very good for sharing documents with others. Most of the time companies or authors are encrypting PDF files that should not be converted to any other format. However, there are many cases that authors are not encrypting the …