
How to Block Ads in Microsoft Edge on Android and iPhone

Startups, giant companies (Tesla, Apple, Samsung, Netflix, Hulu, and more), everyone has to bring up their business on top. One of them, besides the Search engine, is Ads, Ads on the Search engines, social media, or banners. So, in simple words, ads are playing a …


How to Install Android 11 on Android Studio on Windows 10?

I’m not a developer but I’m so much interested to test android 11 on PC- Hackintosh not only for Android but for iOS too. The older versions of the android such as the Android KitKat and Lollipop emulators are available on Windows PC. Even some …


How to Install Among us on Windows 10?

Android enthusiast have developed android emulators to test their apps on PC before providing them to consumers. This android emulator are king of amazing, so sit tide since we are going to show you How to Install Among us on Windows 10? Step 1. Download …


How to Wirelessly sync Photos between android and windows 10?

Getting your photos both on your phone and PC has always been a headache. It is simply due to the slow transfer speed of Bluetooth and the fuzziness of keeping different types of USB cables. That’s enough if you are are suffering from it because …


Bliss OS: Bring the Android 10 Experience on Computer

Although there are several ways to run Android on your PC, the bliss operating system is better because it avoids simulated spam and ads that can ruin your experience. This open source project includes rebuilt code from Android x86 and an oreo version created to …


How to Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode Android?

It’s been a whole year since Facebook put WhatsApp on Beta Version. They have added dark mode feature several months ago but still, it is not been finalized. There is no news why but according to rumors, the dark mode will arrive next month for …